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Air pollution: an emerging risk factor for autism spectrum disorder

 Ojha, Sh| Amal, H.  Brain Medicine, 2024.

The Role of Thioredoxin System in Shank3 Mouse Model of Autism

 Bazbaz, W| Kartawy, M| Hamoudi, W | Ojha, Sh| Khaliulin, I |Amal, H.  Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2024.

The multifaceted role of mitochondria in autism spectrum disorder

 Khaliulin, I |Hamoudi, W Amal, H.  Molecular Psychiatry,  2024.

Mutations associated with autism lead to similar synaptic and behavioral alterations in both sexes of male and female mouse brain

 Tripathi, M| Ojha, Sh| Kartawy, M| Khaliulin, I |Hamoudi, W Amal, H.  Scientific Reports,  2024.

Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition Prevents Cell Proliferation in Glioblastoma

 Kruglyakov, D| Ojha, Sh| Kartawy, M| Tripathi, M|Hamoudi, W|Bazbaz, W|  Khaliulin, I|Amal, H.  Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2023.

Effects of extended-release 7-nitroindazole gel formulation treatment on the behavior of Shank3 mouse model of autism

 Abdel-Haq, M| Ojha, Sh| Hamoudi, W| Kumar, A| Tripathi, M| Khaliulin, I|Domb, A| Amal, H.  Nitric Oxide, 2023.

The NO answer for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tripathi, M| Ojha, Sh| Kartawy, M| Hamoudi, W| Choudhary, A| Stern, Sh| Aran, A| Amal, H.  Advanced Science, 2023.

Mechanistic insight into female predominance in Alzheimer’s disease based on aberrant protein S-nitrosylation of C3

Yang, H| Oh, CK| Amal, H| Wishnok, JS| Lewis, S| Schahrer, E| Trudler, D| Nakamura, T| Tannenbaum, SR| Lipton, SA. Science Advances, 2022.

The contribution of an imbalanced redox signalling to neurological and neurodegenerative conditions

 Steinert, J | Amal,HFree Radical Biology and Medicine, 2022.

A cross-talk between nitric oxide and the glutamatergic system in a Shank3 mouse model of autism

 Hamoudi ,W. Tripathi, M| Ojha,SH. | Amal,H. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2022.

Regional differences in S-nitrosylation in the cortex, striatum, and hippocampus of juvenile male mice

 Hamoudi ,W.|Von Lendenfeld,F. |Kartawy,M.| Mencer,M.| Suloh,H.| Khaliulin,I.| Amal,H. ; Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2021.

Kartawy, M. | Khaliulin, I. | Amal, H. ; Scientific Reports, 2020.

Sex differences in biological processes and nitrergic signaling in mouse brain.

Khaliulin, I. Kartawy, M. Amal,H. ;Biomedicines, 2020.

Amal, H.*| Gong, G.| Yang, H.| Wang, X.|  Joughin, BA.|  Wishnok, JS. | Kartawy, M. | Khaliulin.I | Knutson.G and Tannenbaum, SR.* International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020. * Corresponding Authors.

Tripathi, MK. | Kartawy, M. Amal, H.  Review Article; Redox Biology. 2020.

 Amal, H.* | Gong, G. | Gjoneska, E. | Lewis, SM. | Wishnok, JS. | Tsai, LH. | ​Tannenbaum, SR.* ; Translational Psychiatry. 2019. *Corresponding Authors.

 Amal, H*. | Barak, B. | Bhat, V. | Gong, G. | Joughin, B.A. |  Wishnok, J.S. | Feng, G. |  Tannenbaum, S.R* ; Molecular Psychiatry. 2018. *Corresponding Authors.

Amal, H. Haick, H.; Book Chapter 14. Micro & Nano Technologies Books: Advanced Nanomaterials for inexpensive Gas Microsensors. 2019. 

Krilaviciute, A. | Leja, M. | Kopp-Schneider, A. | Barash, O. | Khatib, S. | Amal, H. | Broza, Y.Y | Polaka,I. |
Parshutin, S. | Rudule, A. | Haick, H. | Brenner, H; Journal of Breath Research. 2019.

Broza, Y.Y. | Khatib, S. | Gharra, A. | Krilaviciute, A. | Amal, H. | Polaka, I. |Parshutin, S.Kikuste, I. | 
Gasenko, E. Skapars, R. Brenner, H. Leja, M. Haick, H.; British Journal of Surgery. 2019.

Nakhleh, M.K.^ | Amal, H. ^| Jeries, R. | Broza, Y.Y. | Aboud, M. | Gharra, A. | Ivgi, H.  | Khatib, S.  | Badarneh, S., | Har-Shai, L. | Glass-Marmor, L. | Lejbkowicz, I. |  Miller, A. |  Badarny, S. | Winer, R. |  Finberg, J. | Cohen-Kaminsky, S. |  Perros, F. |  Montani, D. |  Girerd, B. |  Garcia, G. |  Simonneau, G. |  Nakhoul, F. |  Baram, S. |  Salim, R. |  Hakim, M. |  Gruber, M. |  Ronen, O. |  Marshak, T. |  Doweck, I. |  Nativ,O.|  Bahouth, Z. |  Shi, D.-Y. |  Zhang, W. |  Hua, Q.-L. |  Pan, Y.-Y. |  Tao, L. |  Liu, H. | Karban, A. |  Koifman, E. |  Rainis, T. |  Skapars, R. |  Sivins, A. |  Ancans, G. |  Liepniece-Karele, I. |  Kikuste, I. |  Lasina, I. |  Tolmanis, I. |  Johnson, D. |  Millstone, S.Z. |  Fulton, J. | Wells, J.W. |  Wilf, L.H. |  Humbert, M. |  Leja, M. |  Peled, N. |  Haick, H. ; ACS Nano. 2017. ^Equal Contribution. ^ These authors contributed equally to the study design and the clinical data management and analysis of the cancerous diseases.

 Leja, M.^ | Amal, H.^ | Lasina, I. | Skapars, R. | Sivins, A. | Ancans, G. | Tolmanis, I. | Vanags, A. | Kupcinskas, J. | Ramonaite, R. | Khatib, S. | Bdarneh, S. | Natour, R. | Ashkar, A. | Haick, H.; Journal of Breath Research. 2016. ^Equal Contribution.

Amal, H. | Leja, M. | Funka, K. | Skapars, R. | Sivins, A. | Ancans, G. | Liepniece-Karele, I. | Kikuste, I. | Lasina, I. | Haick, H. ; Gut. 2016.

This paper was recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field. * Has Featured in Nature Reviews Gastroentrology & Hepatology as a “Research Highlight”, as well in BBC news, in Medical Daily website news, in the Verge news, in the Med-page-Today website, in the NHS.UK news website, and in the Technion Magazine.

Amal, H. | Leja, M. | Funka, K. | Lasina, I. | Skapars, R. | Sivins, A. | Ancans, G. | Kikuste, I. | Vanags, A. | Tolmanis, I. | Kirsners, A. | Kupcinskas, L. | Haick, H. ; International Journal of Cancer. 2016.

Amal, H. | Shi, D.-Y. | Ionescu, R. | Zhang, W. | Hua, Q.-L. | Pan, Y.Y. | Tao, L. | Liu, H. | Haick, H. ; International Journal of Cancer. 2015.

Gruber, M. | Tisch, U. | Jeries, R. | Amal, H. | Hakim, M. | Ronen, O. | Marshak, T. | Zimmerman, D. | Israel, O. | Amiga, E. | Doweck, I. | Haick, H. ;  British Journal of Cancer. 2014.

Nakhleh, M.K. | Amal, H. | Awad, H. | Gharra, A. | Abu-Saleh, N. | Jeries, R. | Haick, H. | Abassi, Z. ; Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2014.

Amal, H. | Leja, M. | Broza, Y.Y. | Tisch, U. | Funka, K. | Liepniece-Karele, I. | Skapars, R. | Xu, Z.-Q. |
Liu, H. | Haick, H. ; Journal of Breath Research. 2013.

Amal, H. | Ding, L. | Liu, B.-B. | Tisch, U. | Xu, Z.-Q. | Shi, D.-Y.|Zhao, Y. | Chen, J. | Sun, R.-X. | Liu, H. | Ye, S.-L. | Tang, Z.-Y. | Haick, H.;
International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2012.

 Amal, H. | Fridman-Rozevich, L. | Senn, R. | Strelnikov, A. | Gafni, M. | Keren, O. | Sarne, Y.; Behavioural Brain Research. 2010.

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